Saturday, January 30, 2010

Global Competency Is Imperative for Global Success

What is Global citizenship?

Global citizens are people who live a global way of life. Instead of thinking nationally, they are thinking internationally. Being a global citizen is leveling the playing field for everyone. We are a part of our MAT Flex cohort, but we are also part of a larger community that includes the university as a whole.

Economic and Social Justice- Is dedicated to eliminating global poverty through sustainability at a local level as well as electing leaders that will fight for legislation in neighboring countries and around the world that will strive to preserve the integrity of people around the world. Examples would be eliminating child labor and sexual trafficking. Caring for is something you can do in your community through good works. And caring about is a way to think globally.

Protecting the Earth- Without a hospitable physical environment we will live with increasingly discomfort. Promote information gathering and ideas about how to keep the world livable. Keeping updated text and knowledge can help us improve the health of our earth.

Social and Cultural Diversity- Diversity usually involves racial, ethnic, and religious differences. Students should be taught that these surface differences are not relevant to the tasks at hand. Diversity plays a role in human survival.

Educating for Peace- We must value the lives of all people, not just those of our own nation. We should educate students that this ideal is lost in war. We must promote peace in all areas of the curriculum. We should promote that peace, not war is an organizing concept.

Global citizenship is the notion that we need to rethink who we are as global citizen in order for us to teach children to be global citizens.

One additional resource:

Global Competency Is Imperative for Global Success


  1. The two statements that really resonated with me in this summary were, "Without a hospitable physical environment we will live with increasing discomfort." and "Diversity plays a role in human survival." Each statement is a proven fact that really hits home and shows exactly why it is imperative to increase Global Competency. I also really enjoyed your article about the direct possible effects of a lack of Global Competency, which definitely supports the theme even further!

  2. I enjoyed your additional resource. Changing the way we educate around the world so that we can understand the international issues and conflicts must be part of becoming Globally Competent. Students in the past, in my experience, have been influenced in their political and international views largely by their parents and their culture. Teaching Global Competency in our schools and colleges will hopefully lead us to become nations with empathy for one another's culture and heritage.
    A wonderful thought!

  3. I personally feel that it’s imperative that we all are global citizens, especially as teachers. I believe strongly that we’ll assist in influencing foundations set by students to become more active global citizens. When I was in Taiwan, going through and watching their news channels, I saw that every channel updated the city on “world” news. I saw news on India, New Zealand, and Italy. It came as a shock to me because back at home, the only news I remember seeing were local news that affected my daily environment. I never remembered getting news about Taiwan, or Guatemala, or any other countries unless there was a tragic event that took place. Being global teachers will allow us to become more culturally competent, and with that understanding, much satisfaction will be guaranteed to our students, our classroom, and to their learning.
